*Secret chat* -- Chat secretly with your whatsApp contacts with new encrypted messages! Chat anonymously (offline) for whatsAapp Stay hidden from others and check whatsApp messages secretly , no blue arrows anymore. GB Chat Offline is a simple application that enables you to read your incoming what-up messages and sending messages without appearing online and without showing blue arrows anymore. GB ChatOffline is a tool app for what-up where you can chat with others offline (last seen disabled) - Receiving messages ( Please note that you need to enable Notification access to receiving mesages) and sending messages - Receive all kinds of data ( images, voice notes, etc. … ) - Check your last seen offline - WhatsApp contacts available How to use: 1- Open GB ChatOffline. 2- Make sure to allow all permissions needed 3- Check the GB ChatOffline after receiving WhatsApp message 4- Then use GB ChatOffline to send/receive whatsapp messages in two ways : a. Normal message
b. Encrypted message (need both sides to have GB Chat Offline app) Please note that you need to enable accessibility service(Retrieve window content) to send a message from this app.Go to Settings->Accessibility and turn on the GB Chat Offline.(Please check third screenshot for more details) IMPORTANT: In order to use this app you have to approve for two basic permissions for GB ChatOfflinePS: This app is an independent one and is not affiliated with any other company including WhatsApp inc.